badass uke moment #1
this song by Folk Uke (actually,any song by Folk Uke) spotify users listen to it here or watch it on youtube here only need to hear the first 30 seconds to get the jist ;)
badass uke moment #2
badass uke moment #3
charlieissocoollike painting himself purple and playing the legendary I AM THE PURPLE MAN song. (My embedding of this had better work...)
badass uke moment #4
JJ from skins winning back his girlfriend by seranading her along with the national ukulele orchestra :)
badass uke moment #5the fact that my uke is named after pippin from Lord of the Rings :)
I took some photos of my attempts to actually write a song.
haha, you look realy nice in the pictures
:) x
HAHAHA! I like your attempts. Specially the clothes you were wearing at the attempt. ;))
B* a la Moda
very cool!!! i love it, xx
i loved that skins episode!! JJ is so sweet ;) cant wait for the next series
love the DMs
frick bad ass uke moment #2 is freaky bad ass! and so are yours!! LOVE EM!!
and thanks for the tag, i shall do that soon! oh and i keep forgetting to ask you to draw, will send an email!
awww, love the skins moment, so sweet! and awesome pictures of yourself as well :)
OMG I love this post! so cool!
Ive always wanted a pink electric guitar.
you have really cool hair! haha and I'm glad my post amused you! ;D x
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