The annoying thing is, I couldn't access the video... (Here is the link that I was given, apparently it has been 'blocked in my country' for some reason or another) so I kinda just had to guess what it was about :)
From What I understand, you have to fill in 12 likes, one love and 8 hates, link back to Erimentha and pass it on to three other people. Oh and you must include the bolded things :)
Also, I thought I'd make mine a little more interesting by infusing it with some amazing artwork by Mark Ryden (more about that later :p )
Abracadabra, Wow!I like boys with winklepickers and girls with winklepickers.
I like food.
I like busy weekends.
I like watching loads of movies back to back.
I like contradicting myself.
I like discovering an amazing cultish band and feeling really clever.
I like having a dorky English accent
because I like being able to say, 'cheers,' 'ta,' 'cripes,' 'top of the morning' and 'cheerio,' without sounding like a COMPLETE freak.
I like llamas.
I like thrifting.
I like your face.
I like most things, really.
Today I am going to charge my ipod. I must not. Forget. To charge. My ipod.
In some ways, I love everything.
Its less, its less of a thing to like, its less distinct, its less particular.
I like things that I like but I love everything.
There’s more choice in like cos even the worst things have things you love in them.
I don’t know what you mean about things I hate.
I hate when the bottom of your foot is itchy (grr.)
I hate having my photo taken (hah, how hypocritical does that sound! I don't mind seeing photos turn out good, but I hate the process of taking them. It's kinda awkward and false...)
I hate taking my own photos, because I feel vain and scene.
I hate clothes decorated with shitloads of hearts.
I hate broccoli.
I hate fighting. *halo appears*
I hate myspace.
I hate ....honestly I can't think of anything else. I didn't sleep enough last night.
I hate this, wow...
I. Heart. Cassie.
Sorry if my life is incredibly boring. Now I just have to pass it on to...
Fashion Narcotics because it is a new blog and deserves some recognition :)
Tegan on Toast because it seems like the kinda thing she would be good at
High Voltage because it's an awesome blog and hasn't gotten any awards in too long :)
The paintings are by Mark Ryden, an amazing artist who I stumbled upon a few weeks ago. If you liked them, check out his website. There's tons more fantastic stuff in there which would have made this post way too long :)